Why Animals Should Not Be In Circuses?

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The truth about animals in circuses is that they are abused and endure their entire lives of complete misery as some animals were even taken from the wild purely for entertainment. 

There are still circuses around the world that still continue to use animals in their shows as only very few countries have banned the practice of using live animals. So what is actually the problem with animal-based performances? 

Where do circus animals come from?

The truth is that this is a multimillion-dollar enterprise. There are species in Vietnam that are protected by both national and international legislation. Therefore, certain species cannot be poached from the wild or sold for commercial purposes. Fortunately, no bear bile farmers in Vietnam could even raise caged bears. As a result, the issue remains: where are these animals from? 

The truth is that some animals were most likely unlawfully taken from the wild. Then, they are sold into circuses, while others were raised for human enjoyment. 


How are circus animals treated?

In most circuses, animals are forced to perform unnatural tricks which no person would willingly carry out. 

Elephants are made to stand on one leg and spin around in circles. Oftentimes they will be standing on top of small stools. These are actions that have never been performed by elephants in the wild because it may damage the animals’ physiology. 


It is well documented that these elephants are forced to perform these actions by being beaten with batons while young elephants are savagely constrained and beaten as a process to break their spirits and force them to comply. 

Big cats are also popular in circuses but many have gotten their teeth and claws removed rendering them basically useless to their abusers. They are then trained with whips which teaches them to fear the ringmaster and not attack. 


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