5 Red Flags in a Job Candidate to Watch Out For

5 Red Flags in a Job Candidate to Watch Out For

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Hiring managers must be able to tell when a job candidate might not be a good fit for their team. Even though these signs, or “red flags,” don’t always mean that a candidate should be taken out of the running, they should be a sign that you should ask more questions or look deeper into their past. 

It’s important to remember that even if a candidate shows a few of these signs, they might still be a great fit for your team. Remember the following red flags during a job interview, but keep in mind that no two candidates are the same.

Here are 5 red flags that you should look out for in a job candidate:

1. The candidate has an unusual work record

When you meet a possible candidate, pay close attention to their past jobs. Can you find out who they worked for before? Does the candidate have examples of their past work that fit with the business plans of those employers? Does what they say about their work fit what’s on their resume or CV?

Some red flags could be a sketchy work background or leaving a job without an apparent, logical reason. If they were fired from their last job, they should know why and what they could do differently at their next one. Also, look for gaps in your work history. CNN Business says that job gaps are less of a problem after the pandemic than they used to be. Still, you should ask more questions if gaps in a person’s work history can’t be explained. There are several reasons for a job gap, but instead of asking personal or illegal questions, you can ask if they used the time to improve their skills. 

5 Red Flags in Job Candidates to Watch Out For

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2. They cannot look at you in the eye. 

If someone doesn’t make eye contact, it could mean they are trying to hide something. Most people naturally look at the person they are talking to when they are talking. When someone lies, they tend to look away from the person they are talking to. When someone looks away during a key part of a job interview, it can be a sign that they aren’t telling the truth.

Even if a person is telling the truth, there are times when they may have trouble making eye contact. For example, anxiety or neurodiversity can make it hard for a person to make eye contact, even if they have nothing to hide. If you see this red flag, watch for more and consider the interview before choosing not to go further.

3. They don’t acknowledge any mistakes.

Even the best option isn’t always perfect. Suppose your candidate can’t accept failures and spends most of the interview bragging about their successes. In that case, they may not be good at self-reflection.

A well-rounded candidate will know that there are some things they could do better. A good interviewing technique is to admit these flaws but positively frame them or explain how they work on them. If a candidate says they have no flaws or have never failed at anything, it could mean they aren’t willing to learn and grow.

4. They want career change because they’re bored

Most interviewers want to know why the person left their last job. If they can only say they’re “bored,” that’s a red flag. Unless your company and job offer something completely different, they may get bored at your company after a few months.

If a candidate says they didn’t feel satisfied at their last job, ask them more questions. The job might not be a good fit for their skills. If that’s the case, they might have been bored and need a new job that fits their skills better. But it’s a red flag if they can’t talk about themselves when they answer this question.

5. They didn’t research your company or its services

It’s basic interview manners to learn about the company before a job interview. Be careful if the person you’re interviewing doesn’t know what you do or anything about your business. It only takes a few minutes to look at a company’s website and the job description to get an idea of what the company does, so be wary of a candidate who doesn’t make that small effort.

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Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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