6 Ways to Navigate Office Politics

6 Ways to Navigate Office Politics

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No matter what your job is at work, you can’t stay out of office politics. They’re just the way things are.

You might feel scared by the idea. But if you know how to deal with office politics, you can keep some of your own power. All the while learning more about the system you work in.

Let’s take a look at 6 ways to improve your office politics:

1. Know how formal and informal networks work

In office politics, there are two main types of networks: formal and informal. The job title or official role of authority, such as CEO, manager, or intern, is part of the formal network.

Behind the scenes, employees may hold subtle but essential places of power that make up the informal network. Knowing both will help you figure out how to use each network.

2. Build good relationships at work

When you have good ties with the people around you, dealing with office politics is much easier. Friendship and loyalty can take you far.

In the game of office politics, your goal is to build a network of support that helps you and the other people in it. So, if you find yourself in a rut, you can rest easy knowing you have social ties to pull on.

3. Keep it business-like

Being friendly with your coworkers is important to feel fit at work. But there is a thin line between being friendly and telling too much. If you tell people too much about yourself, they might use it against you.

Keep a friendly but professional attitude at work unless you have a good reason not to. When you set limits with your coworkers, you make precise work arrangements. It also makes it hard for your coworkers to take advantage of you.

6 Ways to Navigate Office Politics

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4. Develop your soft skills

Soft skills are basically social skills with a lot of subtlety. In the workplace, listening well, working nicely in a group, and talking politely to people is important.

If you improve your emotional intelligence and other people skills, you’ll be able to handle office politics with more skill.

5. Be your own voice

It’s not always easy to be strong and let your voice be heard. But knowing when and how to stand up for yourself is a great skill.

You should say something if you or someone you know is being poorly treated. This will show how strong you are. Also, jerks at work will be less likely to pick on you.

6. Keep a cheerful attitude.

Everyone has bad days, but no one likes a person who is always sad at work.

Working long hours can be challenging and tiring, both mentally and physically. But if you complain about your problems in a way that doesn’t help, it can be a distraction for other people.

Keeping a good attitude at work could make you easier to get along with. Also, it will make it easier for you to work with other people.

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Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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