4 Essential Tips For Graduates Before Starting Their Job Search

4 Essential Tips For Graduates Before Starting Their Job Search

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Graduation is a significant turning point in a person’s life, with the common goal of finding a job. Finding a job is a daunting task, with qualifications being the first priority. Other factors like skills, confidence, and communication also matter. Graduates should focus on improving these skills before starting their job search.

This article is for recent degree holders seeking a well-paid job. It highlights important aspects to consider to secure a good job and a well-paying one.

1. Don’t settle for an unpaid internship

Unpaid internships are common for graduates, but it’s important to be selective and choose a paid internship. Be sure to work for a respected internship where you get feedback and experience, rather than just cleaning someone’s fridge or providing coffee and water. Remember, you’re a respected graduate and should not settle for less than a fair wage for your work.

2. Always have a back up plan

It’s important to have a backup plan in case internships don’t turn into permanent jobs, as being jobless after an internship can make you vulnerable. This means lining up for another internship before your current one ends, ensuring you have a viable option in case of unexpected circumstances.

3. Know when to leave

Internships should not be a permanent job, and if they are well-paid, it’s a good time to accept the offer. However, if the internship has no future, it’s best to leave the company. Remember your worth and value your skills and degree, even if you’re offered to stay.

4. Value your own work

The value of an intern’s pay should not be considered permanent, as it is not enough for the rest of one’s life. Success requires continuous growth and self-exploration. Despite the numerous job opportunities, the value of a degree remains unaffected by the number of graduates seeking employment.

Graduates should know to persist in job hunting, even after failures, and maintain faith in themselves to achieve great things in the world.

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