Tanda-Tanda Anda Perlu Jumpa Pakar Psikiatri

Tanda-Tanda Anda Perlu Jumpa Pakar Psikiatri

Ramai generasi sekarang takut untuk berjumpa dengan pakar psikiatri atau pakar kesihatan mental kerana bimbang dengan stigma orang sekeliling. Ada yang menyamakan penyakit mental dengan kurang waras manakala segolongan besar gagal mengenali tanda dan simptom penyakit mental. Antara penyakit mental umum adalah kemurungan, keresahan, gangguan bipolar dan skizofrenia. Artikel berkaitan:

Atasi Masalah ā€˜Overthinkingā€™ Anda Dengan 5 Cara Mudah Ini

Atasi Masalah ā€˜Overthinkingā€™ Anda Dengan 5 Cara Mudah Ini

ā€˜Overthinkingā€™ atau berfikir secara berlebih-lebihan boleh mengganggu kualiti hidup seseorang. Apabila seseorang itu terlalu banyak berfikir terutamanya perkara negatif, ia akan membuat individu itu tertekan dan boleh menyebabkan serangan anxiety. Bagaimana nak kawal atau atasi masalah ā€˜overthinkingā€™ ini? Berikut kami kongsikan antara lima cara mudah yang anda boleh cuba dan

Counselling Psychologist

Counselling Psychologist Job Description Template

What does a Counselling Psychologist do? Psychologists who provide counselling assist clients with emotional and mental health problems. They work to reduce suffering while also assisting their clients in learning coping mechanisms for the difficulties of life. What are a counselling psychologist’s roles and duties? A Counselling Psychologist has many


WHAT IS ARACHNOPHOBIA? Arachnophobia is a strong aversion to spiders.Ā  WHAT SITUATION CAN TRIGGER ARACHNOPHOBIA? Common triggers include: Sight of a spider such as in person or in pictures Sight of a spider web such as in person or in pictures Thoughts/anticipation about spiders or spider webs Speaking about spiders


WHAT IS CLAUSTROPHOBIA? Claustrophobia is an intense fear of confined or enclosed spaces.Ā  Since we always attempt to avoid situations that make us feel uncomfortable, most fears are seen as pretty natural. Furthermore, a phobia is an extreme and unreasonable fear towards one or more objects or circumstances, as opposed


WHAT IS ACROPHOBIA? An extreme fear of heights is known as acrophobia, a type of anxiety disorder. When confronted with tall heights or placed at a significant height, an acrophobic individual feels extreme fear and anxiety.Ā  Most people are fine with certain heights and they would be more cautious when