Baru Mulakan Kerja Baharu? 5 Perasaan Ini Adalah Normal Untuk Dirasai

Baru Mulakan Kerja Baharu? 5 Perasaan Ini Adalah Normal Untuk Dirasai

Sebagai seorang pekerja baharu, pasti anda teruja tapi pada masa yang sama anda takut dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang bakal berlaku. Jangan risau! Ia adalah perkara yang normal dan wajar dirasai oleh setiap orang yang baru mulakan kerja di tempat kerja baharu. 5 perasaan yang normal untuk dirasai di tempat kerja baharu 1. Bimbang

10 Signs You Are a Perfectionist

Overly high personal standards and overly critical self-evaluations are two things that describe a perfectionist. They want everything to be perfect and won’t settle for anything less. This can show up as self-criticism, criticism of other people, and attempts to control people and events. 10 Signs You Are a Perfectionist

9 Signs You Have Imposter Syndrome

9 Signs You Have Imposter Syndrome

Employers usually adore humble employees. Despite their many accomplishments and the high quality of their job, they will always remain down to earth. However, it can also be problematic if you are overly humble, as you may suffer from imposter syndrome. Employees who consistently put themselves down and believe they