Benefits & Drawbacks Of Panel Interview

Benefits & Drawbacks Of Panel Interview

Benefits of conducting panel interviews Going from one to multiple interviewers can add depth to your interviewing process and improve the quality of your hires. Some benefits of a panelist interview process include: Different perspectives: When you only have a hiring manager meeting candidates, you could miss out on different

Letter Of Resignation

What To Include In A Letter Of Resignation

Here are some important elements that you may include in your letter of resignation: Intent of resignation The most important part of a resignation letter is a clear explanation of your intention to resign. Consider incorporating this statement in your letter’s introductory paragraph or even the first phrase. For instance, you


8 Ways To Start A Career

How to start a career Before you start your job, you should develop an effective plan that will help you succeed. Here are some guidelines to help you start off your career: Make a list of your interests and talents Create a list of your hobbies, skills and passions. Consider

Career Change

6 Career Change Obstacles

6 career change obstacles Below are some obstacles you may face when changing careers, along with tips to help you overcome them: Building a new set of skills When going through career change, you may find yourself needing to develop new capabilities after you’ve already spent years learning one set

4 Ways to Focus at Work

4 Ways to Focus at Work

Work is always going to be distracting. Losing your focus can be caused by many different things, like notifications on your computer or phone or just feeling bored with your work. You may enjoy doing many things at once. Or you’re proud of being able to make plans. Or you

cover letter

Writer Cover Letter Tips & Example

4 tips to create a professional writer cover letter Here are four tips to help you develop a cover letter that demonstrates your writing capabilities and impresses prospective employers: Demonstrate your writing style Create a cover letter that demonstrates your unique writing style. Consider what kind of content you’d like


No-Show Email Template

No-show email templates:  No-show email template following a missed phone meeting Dear [Client name], I hope you’re doing well. This is [Your name] from [company]. I had a meeting scheduled with you for [time of meeting] today, but it seems we’ve missed each other. I called [number of times you


8 Signs of Gaslighting & How To Deal With It

What is gaslighting at work?  The phrase ‘gaslighting’ refers to the psychological manipulation of a specific individual or group, who are sometimes referred to as ‘gaslighters’. They will actively target a victim by making them doubt their recollection or their judgement. The majority of gaslighting occurs in personal relationships, although