Criminal Lawyer

Criminal Lawyer Job Description Template

What does a Criminal Lawyer do? They must prosecute or defend individuals who are accused of crimes. What are the duties and responsibilities of a Criminal Lawyer? They have many responsibilities, such as representing clients at the hearing and court trials. They also prepare legal documents as needed and negotiate

Legal Counsel Job Description Template

Legal Counsel Job Description Template

Legal Counsel Job Description A Legal Counsel is a professional who ensures their organization’s compliance with the law. They provide guidance and oversee all applicable aspects, ensuring that their business adheres to the correct procedure. Legal Counsel responsibilities include: Providing executives with accurate and timely advice on a multitude of

Pregnancy Discrimination in the Malaysian Workplace

Pregnancy Discrimination in the Malaysian Workplace

Malaysian women’s rights have improved, yet pregnancy discrimination in the workplace still needs to be addressed. What is pregnancy discrimination? Pregnancy discrimination is when you are mistreated because you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have just given birth. The Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) said that more than 40% of working women experienced pregnancy discrimination.