Monday mornings can bring a mix of emotions, with some seeing it as a fresh start with new opportunities and possibilities. For others, it can be overwhelming with deadlines, meetings, and responsibilities. However, Mondays provide a valuable opportunity to reset and refocus, setting the tone for the week. By embracing
Tag: Monday Blues
‘Monday Blues’: Fakta Atau Hanya Mainan Psikologi?
Monday Blues adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan emosi negatif dan tidak bersemangat yang dizahirkan dalam bentuk tekanan, kebimbangan dan keletihan yang berlaku lazimnya dirasai pada permulaan minggu iaitu hari Isnin. Penyebab utama munculnya sindrom Monday Blues ini masih belum dikenal pasti. Namun, benarkah sindrom Monday Blues ini wujud atau hanya sekadar mainan
5 tips to start your remote work week
More people than ever are working from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you’re new to working remotely or just looking to level up, these tips from a remote work pro can help you stay productive and maintain balance. Start on Time. Start your work a little early on Monday
How To Avoid The Monday Blues
Monday mornings can be hard, like hitting the snooze button a few more times than normal hard. Even people who like their jobs can dread the thought of walking through the office door on a Monday. However, the beginning of the week can also be a great time to look
6 Petanda Anda Harus Cari Pekerjaan Baru
Setiap pekerjaan ada cabarannya yang tersendiri, tetapi bagaimana untuk mengetahui jika kita benci dengan pekerjaan kita itu?