11 Books to Boost Your Happiness and Productivity at Work

11 Books to Boost Your Happiness and Productivity at Work

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As we’re inching closer to the end of 2017, it’s time to dust off bad habits and take up new skills and improve your focus at work. Take a leaf out of BookXcess’s positive reading recommendations for yourself or as a meaningful gift idea this Christmas.

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Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert


Readers can expect no less from the author of ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ and be ready to indulge in a similar empowering and enlightening read through this book. In this title, Elizabeth shares her wisdom and distinctive perspective about creativity and how to find ways to protect what we most love, and manage what we most fear. She gives insights about the essence of inspiration, empathy, and generosity; encouraging readers to uncover mysteries and cultivate their thirst for dreaming big. A gem of a read for those who need a little bit of wonder and joy in their lives through literature.

Getting The Balance Right: Leading and Managing Well by Peter Shaw


This one’s a positive read especially for those holding a managerial role. Being a solid leader and striking a balance in leadership can be a real challenging feat, especially in this day and age. Whether it’s managing others for a short or long-term period or leading by example, it’s proven that you can train yourself to be adaptable and purposeful. Flip through this book to get pointers about making conscious decisions, the judging processes, and how to lead by nurturing those under your guidance well.

Free! Love Your Work, Love Your Life by Chris Baréz-Brown


These two go hand in hand: life and work. They’re inevitably a pair and in life, it’s crucial to acknowledge their symbiotic relationship. This book acts as a reminder to readers to treat their work extraordinarily, so that their life may gravitate more towards it. The author also touches on the importance of recognising a purpose-filled job which can increase productivity, everflowing cheerfulness, and a less restrained outlook on life and work tasks.

Thriving In Your Work by Peter Shaw


If you often find yourself feeling demotivated, pressured, or frustrated with the fact that work never ends, this is a book worth flipping through to lift up your spirits! Sharing practical approaches on how to handle work pressures, Peter lays down key points like being alert to the unexpected, building your approach and strengthening your professional skills, channeling your energy well, keeping a healthy perspective, and choosing your impact consciously in order to thrive in your work. In a nutshell, sometimes, it’s better to focus on your own performance and self-reflection to keep you motivated to reach your career goals steadily.

Related: 10 Books to Help Transform Your Career Forever

The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau


In order to live a more fulfilling life and see the magic it brings, we sometimes need to experience and discover it for ourselves. This is what New York Times Bestseller New York Times bestselling author of ‘The $100 Startup’, Chris Guillebeau did when he took up a challenge to help others find their purpose in work and life by committing to a life-changing quest. He undertook a quest on his own which included traveling to almost every country in the world by age 35 and tested the waters of reality and dreaming big (are they are different or can they be similar?) This book of his identifies the reasons for real-life fulfilment and how the journey of each individual differs thanks to self-knowledge and contentment.

The Business Romantic by Tim Leberecht


Just like falling in love, businesses that are able to inject love into their aspects and fundamentals stand a higher chance of succeeding compared to those without it. It talks about putting meaning into work and giving it life and enchantment. The idea of Business Romanticism offers a viewpoint which helps others to appreciate the emotional and social aspects of it and encourages people to be passionate in their work day in and day out. Overall, it’s a book that’ll ignite your passion to work with a heart that matters.

Related: 15 Books That Will Motivate You at Work

It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden


Think about this book as a motivational handbook (a cheeky pocket bible to the know-hows!) which presents an understanding of making the impossible possible and the unthinkable thinkable. Written in an uplifting and humourous manner, enjoy Paul’s wisdom on modern-day topics like communication, making mistakes, playing your cards right, and problem-solving compiled in fun pages filled with quotes, facts, pictures, wit, and sense.

Under Pressure by Denis Sartain and Maria Katsarou


Stress is commonly associated with negativity, counterproductiveness, and sometimes, potentially disastrous outcomes. Albeit those associations to stress, a certain level of stress can be good to get things going. Stress at work is unavoidable and is seen by many as a sign of weakness but this is not entirely true. This book focuses on the practical steps to help people cope with stress and learn to understand and deal with tricky topics and challenges better. If you’re looking for a good self-help book that’ll help you beat the pressures of life, this is it!

Thanks for the Feedback by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen of the Harvard Negotiation Project


Getting feedback from our surroundings is an everyday thing. To narrow it down, we mainly get feedback left right and centre from our family, friends, co-workers, and community. From our performance to our appearance, we are assessed, coached, and criticised. When it comes to career development and professionalism, we sometimes find ourselves dreading to receive feedback especially when we realise we’ve not met certain expectations. As the year comes to an end, why not up your game by taking notes from this book that tells you to be gentle to yourself, learn and grow with curiosity and grace and finally, how to take on life’s comments and advice with ease.

Success Your Way by G. Richard Shell


Award-winning author and Wharton School professor, G. Richard Shell dares you to honestly answer these two questions: ‘What, for me, is success?’ and ‘How will I achieve it?’ Through those questions, he pushes you to your limit to follow your dreams and asks you whether you’ve confidently mapped out the path to discover that dream. Read about how to identify your sui generis passions and capabilities beyond your wildest imagination. Look for what gives meaning and ignites the passion and fire in your life. Attain success happily and on your own terms. Let this book lead you there.

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh


Probably one of the most recognised corporations, online retailer Zappos shares its inspiring and success through the voice and eyes of its CEO, Tony Hsieh. Having being named one of Fortune magazine’s annual ‘Best Companies to Work For’ list in 2009 and being acquired by Amazon in a $1.2 billion deal, Tony Hsieh shares the ups and downs of the various lessons he has learned in business and life, from the days of starting up a worm farm to running a pizza business. A heartwarming, down-to-earth read which shows and proves how a very different kind of corporate culture can be translated into a powerful business model. This book reaffirms that concentrating on happiness and positivity is the way to go in life, businesses, and perspectives.

Happy reading and Merry Christmas!

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