How To Fast At Work During Ramadhan Season

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The holy month of Ramadhan is here as Muslims have to adapt to their daily fasting routine where they are required to refrain themselves from taking any meals during the day. It presents a challenging situation, especially on a workday where employees have to cope with distractions during the fasting period. Here is a few advice for Muslim workers to manage their fasting without compromising their health and work.


Utilising your lunch break efficiently

Spending long hours at your desk can be tiring in which can land you in the state of weariness. It is best to take a half an hour off during your lunch break and relax your mind for awhile. Having a power nap or just taking your attention away from the internet can give yourself sufficient rest before going back to work.

Balancing your work routine

Arranging your meetings during the morning hours can be more effective as your energy and concentration are still at its peak compared to the later day. Discuss with your fellow colleagues, your manager or your clients to make the adjustments so that they know that you are fasting. Talk to your employers and request for flexible work hours to ensure all Muslim employees are able to end their fasting at sunset.

Maintaining your energy during the day

Lack of energy and the feeling tiredness is one of the biggest challenges during the Ramadhan. From working to travelling to your workplace or even lack of sleep can be detrimental to your health. Keep yourself hydrated, include fresh fruits and vegetables as part of your diet will help you stay energetic. Most of all give yourself try not push yourself to keep up with your usual work pace, take it easy and just focus on the most important task on your hand instead. A quick exercise or even taking a short walk can be helpful in maintaining your composure throughout the day.


Having a healthy eating habit during Ramadan

Muslims who fast will experience mild dehydration, which may lead to headaches, tiredness and difficulty concentration at work. Consuming foods rich in fluids such as vegetables, fruits, stews and soups is essential to replace the fluids in your body. Try to avoid consuming salty foods as salt stimulates thirst. Sweety, creamy and deep-fried foods are best consumed in moderation as it may affect your weight gain during Ramadan and for those who are looking to have a balanced diet.

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