Arm Yourself With These In-Demand Skill for IT Career

Arm Yourself With These In-Demand Skill for IT Career

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If you are looking to explore the different professional field, picking up new skills is a must to adopt a new career. Besides going back to college, picking up online courses with highly marketable skills could potentially even up your odds as well. Below, we are covering these courses that will allow you to add marketable skills in the information and technology sector.


Information and Technology

The information and communication technology is at the forefront of development in Malaysia, this presents a vast opportunity for fresh graduates and job seekers in this field. In addition, with the constant progression of technology such as artificial intelligence(AI) and cloud computing. Companies across all industries will require IT professionals to manage their data and network around the Internet.


Core Programming Language

Programming languages and the operating system is the learning basis for IT professionals. Languages will change as technology advances, here are some of the programming courses that you can learn:


Computational Thinking

Managing software requires computational thinking, that involves app development and machine problem-solving skills(which includes math and science). To build and shape the future of work will require patience and creative thinking skills:



Mobile App Development

The mobile application is an essential value for almost any business as well for daily life. The increasing demand for mobile skills will draw it to be on par with web developers. As new technology is adopted into the mobile world, emerging and existing enterprises are on the lookout for developers that can operate multiple platforms.( Android, iOS, Windows)

Core Programming Language

Similar to any IT positions, the programming language is essential for front-end development. Modern program languages such as Java, Python and C# are still mainly utilised in the programming field. Niche languages such as Apple’s Xcode development language are highly valued for developing iOS mobile applications as well.



Machine Learning

A subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on learning data, determining patterns and making decisions that require minimal human involvement. Machine learning are actively utilised in various sectors including healthcare, education, finance and any relevant industries. Most enterprises are running on machine learning technology which provides an edge over other competitors. The demand for this skill is certainly on par with any top programming skills out there. Well known bots such as Siri, Alexa and even chatbots that utilise in webpages has seen tons of uses. 



Other software frameworks you should know

There are other niche softwares and specialised skills that are still on high demand. For instance, augmented and virtual reality has been seeing a huge growth as various sectors are actively integrating this technology into their product and services. UI and UX specialists are employed to conduct in-depth research and testing. This is essential for designers to provide a seamless experience for web and mobile users.


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