Small Business IoT Security Tips

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The Internet of Things(IoT) is a catchphrase to describe how people choose to view, interact with, and communicate using smart devices in conducting business. The internet makes communication easier through online video chat, automated messaging, mass forwarding emails, and security systems for protecting databases. Now many business owners don’t need to invest too much into monotonous, time-consuming administrative duties when they can call up a virtual assistant or a remote contractor.

User Accounts

Despite all the advantages gained from IoT devices, companies still have to consider one thing. How to keep user accounts secure from a data leak or a hacking attempt. Given that IoT technology stores cloud data such as recent app downloads and a user’s purchase history, companies must crack down on security breaches involving user data extracted from their employees and their valued customers. The default approach of collecting data is to compile it into raw data storage. This means developers are in charge of risk assessment in most business transactions.

Recently, companies are in a difficult position since they already have clear policies on anonymising user data but are also facing interference from federal law enforcement officers who could be infringing on the privacy rights of citizens. The best plan is to hire consultants from diverse backgrounds so they can explain the differences in raw data stored in multiple industries down to each device. Insecure devices are always a major concern when connected to the internet.


Securing Primary Servers

Before the introduction of IoT, businesses had to be on top of updating their servers or managing content filters on their desktop computers. Now, they are overwhelmed with updates on the automated machines and equipment such as a fast-food drink dispenser. Thus, software updates are essential to operating equipment at peak efficiency. Security patches can close off loopholes in the network system through the use of surveillance monitors.

Organisations can ensure that the data is encrypted by installing software from trusted brands like Cisco and Symantec. The longer small businesses delay their update cycle, the more likely their IoT devices will be exploited by an outside party. After a few years, the devices could become outdated for office use. That’s why it’s important to select a reliable supplier who is consistent in updating their tech products.

Why Privacy Matters

As for data breaches, Facebook and other social media sites are known to collect network data by tracking the user’s behaviour. However, this information might be unknowingly shared with millions of other network participants since everything is part of the same network. Trying to manage this data will be quite challenging due to its sheer capacity. Small businesses are expected to follow privacy regulations when dealing with personal data.

The surge in popularity of IoT devices is coupled with an increase in computing power. For instance, hackers are finding ways to access unsecured networks by bombarding servers with endless requests by DDosing company devices. DDoS attacks are often directed at valuable infrastructure thus you need a backup plan to restore what’s left of your software setup after a hacking attempt.

The smartest thing business owners can do is to stop storing sensitive data including credit card information. Many e-commerce companies have created alternative billing services by saving payment data inside gateway servers like Braintree or PayPal. It helps protect customers from identity theft in the event of a data breach.

IoT encourages widespread smartphone use among employees for the sake of convenience. Still, it’s the client or employee’s responsibility to safeguard their home automation apps to further their personal safety and security You wouldn’t want to deal with malfunctioning household appliances like your room heater being shut off or someone else accessing your cable subscriptions.


About the author

Craig Middleton has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.



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