Career Resolutions for 2019

Career Resolutions for 2019

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A brand new year ahead and more opportunities for you to discover, plan new personal goals and have your own list of achievements. You can even choose to become a good example to your peers as a productive employee. If you still can’t think of any career resolutions for this year, read on to find more inspirations.


Take a self-assessment and reflect back on the past

If you want to what you want to achieve in 2019, you need to take the first step which is to know yourself by answering the following:

  • Am I satisfied with my current position? Why or why not?
  • What do I enjoy with my current job, culture, employer?
  • What you are not satisfied? How/Can I fix it?
  • What am I doing well in my job? What are my areas of improvement?
  • What is the opportunity for career advancement? What can I do to achieve it?
  • What are my concerns?


Be more upfront with career offers

Negotiating for salary increments, perks or benefits is something that you should strive for the start of the new year. The key to a successful negotiation is to treat it as a normal conversation between you and your employer. In the long run, your self-confidence and negotiation skills can be improved for your future career endeavours.


Accept job opportunities that you don’t feel fully qualified

Most people tend to put themselves as not fully qualified for the position which comes from such as workplace discrimination. It won’t help by limiting yourself by establishing restrictions on which job that you feel save to pick and those that you don’t meet all the job listing’s requirements. Put away your self-limiting beliefs and establish career goals by applying jobs that you are likely to succeed. No matter the outcome is, it is a great way to enhance your self-confidence and to garner experience in job-hunting.


Partake in professional development classes or seminars

Instead of maintaining your current career level, take a step ahead and gain new skills for future success. If you feel like venturing out into a different role or industry, take the initiative to attend classes or seminar that you wish to gain new knowledge. Regardless of how long it would take you to achieve, set a goal that is reasonable and workable based on your own conditions.


Build your professional network

Having an established network can be your greatest assets to have in your professional career. With the advent of social media, it can be taxing to manage your relationships with your partners and peers while being easy to connect with people with little effort. Try to establish networks outside of your social media network. Start with the existing network that you have to establish with by having a meetup every few months. If you wish to expand your network, set a personal goal of connecting with a number of people each month. Try reaching out to friends of friends working in similar industries or at companies that you are interested.


Help your peers get ahead with their career

Career growth takes time to nurture within an organisation. We spend much of our time growing ourselves, and sometimes we might overlook people around you that need a helping hand. Take the initiative by creating an opportunity for other people to rise up by supporting their opinions and point of view. This could easily be done by sharing their work on your social media, giving proper credit, or appraising them at work.


Developing career management tools for your future

A job change can sometimes be inevitable and you will need to refine your job search skills if you wish to find a new job. The following are the list of skills you can develop:

  • writing a professional resume
  • how to find job interviews
  • how to successfully obtain a job offer
  • how to strategise your career advancement

Developing career management skills can be a life-changing for your professional success. Getting a new job is challenging and your career management will require refinement over the years to ensure your skills are not obsolete.

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You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Content Marketer at Jobstore Reach me at


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