10 Things You Should Put Away To Create A More Organised Workspace

10 Things You Should Put Away To Create A More Organised Workspace

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Most of us are guilty for it, keeping things that we shouldn’t.  With all of the stuff competing for your attention nowadays, clutter does not need to be one of them. Discarding away these items from your workspace will save you time, money and make your space more comfortable. While these items may not seem like they would take up a lot of your space, you’d be surprised how much better your desk can look when remove the little clutter. 


1. Gift wrapping

Recycled gift wrapping supplies like used boxes and ribbons can take up quite a bit of space, and they’re not worth keeping if you’re never going to use them. Keep only the bows and boxes that are in the condition of the mint.


2. Old magazines and books

There’s not much value to hold on to them in this digital era. Most magazines and books now have online archives and digital subscription options.  Keeping an issue of National Geographic because it contains your favourite contents? Instead, find it in the online archives and bookmark it for future reading. Found an informative infographic in the last issue of Entrepreneur magazine? Snap a photo of it with your phone and upload it to your laptop for future reference.


3. Gifts that you didn’t use or like

Let’s be honest, we all receive gifts that we don’t like or utilise at all. So, what is the point of keeping them? You might want to hold on to it for a few more weeks to see if it will be of use to you. If it’s not, then donate it or sell it away.


4. Instruction Books or Manuals

Most of the electronic products you have bought usually come with a handbook or an instruction book. Chances are, you’re not going to hang on to it for the long term. Instead, go through your instruction manuals and get rid of the ones you don’t need anymore.


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5. Cardboard boxes and plastic bags

Despite its great re-usability, there will never be a point in time where you can use all the boxes and plastic bags you kept collecting. Just keep a few that are in good condition in case you need to mail a gift or package and recycle the rest of it. If you plan to move soon, you can always get boxes from your nearest local grocery store. As for plastic bags, keep a handful of them in an empty tissue box and discard the rest or start using reusable bags instead!


6. Pens that don’t work

It must be frustrating, writing down something urgent, and every pen you’re trying to use doesn’t work. These pens can be found at your stationery or in your office drawer. Just take a few minutes to test the pens and discard the ones that don’t work anymore.


7. Old bills and hard copy paperwork

With all of the paperless alternatives available online these days, old bills and hard copy paperwork is becoming a thing of the past. Your filed tax returns and bank statements from cycles in the past are the only documents that you should keep copies. They help prepare future tax returns and make calculations if you file an amended return. Once your existing statements and paperwork have been sorted out safely, consider switching entirely to online banking.


8. Old greeting cards

In spite of its sentimental value, keep in mind that these mementoes will deteriorate someday if they are not properly kept. With smart devices that come with camera features, you can take pictures and keep them with you instead of making space for them.


9. Old business cards

You have just recently moved jobs, rendering your previous business card useless.  What do you do with your old business cards? Do you still keep them? Sure, you can recycle them unless you’re looking for some ingenious ideas to reuse your old business cards for practical use or decoration.


10. Household ornaments

There is nothing wrong with keeping your favourite collectibles by decorating your desk with it. But at the same time, you don’t want to go overboard with all your collectibles .So if you think that your collectibles are taking too much space, start by pairing them down to a more manageable number.


The amount of effort you put into creating and maintaining an effective work area is going to pay off in big way. If you are looking for tips to declutter your home space, learn from these experts as they share effective downsizing advice for apartment living.  Leave us your thoughts on the comment sections below. Head over to Jobstore.com and unveil your next job opportunity.

You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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