7 ChatGPT Hacks for University Students

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Recently, Minister of Higher Education Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said that ChatGPT is allowed for students at higher education institutions in the country.

Here are some ChatGPT hacks university students must know:

7 ChatGPT Hacks for University Students1. Use it for learning

It’s important to use ChatGPT not just to get answers but also to learn. AIs can give us more knowledge that can help us understand complicated things.

For example:“Could you tell an 8-year-old how a country gets its Gross Domestic Product?”

AIs can also act as expert teachers with whom you can have long, detailed, critical, and thoughtful conversations: “From now on, you’re a Macroeconomics professor, and you’ll answer all my questions.”

Using ChatGPT to learn can also help you improve your critical thinking ability. This is because you can ask specific questions to learn more about related topics, which in a classroom could take up more time or take the focus away from the main goal.

This can help a lot with students who are shy or don’t like to talk in class.

2. Ask detailed questions to get accurate replies

To help an AI understand the problem and provide more accurate and valuable answers, offer it as much information as possible. If you leave out important information, the model must guess to give you the best answer.

Colleges must teach their students to write more complete and thorough questions. All colleges and universities should require a lesson on how to prompt.

How to make the questions that college students ask in ChatGPT better?:

  • Give details about your major and the semester in which you are learning.
  • Please explain what you need help with and what it is about.
  • Give detailed examples of what you don’t understand about the topic.
  • Ask for real-world examples to help you understand and remember.

3. Try out different ideas

Don’t get stuck on one way to ask questions. Instead, try different ways to ask questions to make them fit your learning style and needs.

Make sure to track your questions in ChatGPT. You can use a notepad or a Word file. By signing up, you will learn new ways to approach the things that interest you. Trying out different questions will help you better give background and avoid ambiguity.

4. Organize the answers you get

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that has bugs and is not always correct. Artificial intelligence was trained with a lot of data, but it can’t check if the answers it gives us are correct. Students need to know how to think critically and give them the tools to compare what AI says to what they know to be true.

If you try to write a text on a topic you don’t know much about, you are likely to make mistakes when writing the prompt and end up with a text with false or inaccurate information.

You need to know that you are the best filter for an AI, so you shouldn’t use it when you don’t know what’s going on or isn’t paying attention. To help you make better queries, it’s best to start with some theory. Begin learning with books and academic papers in indexed journals.

5. Add it to your source query

If you only use answers from ChatGPT to write a paper or do research, it won’t be academically sound. You need up-to-date sources that give you the proper theoretical or conceptual context.

You can get help reading and analyzing academic papers using artificial intelligence like Humata: https://www.humata.ai/

Use facts, well-known news sites, or books by famous authors to back up your claim. ChatGPT is just a tool to help you with your college work but it can’t be your main source of information.

For study papers or term papers for college students, it’s best to use Perplexity, an AI that connects to the internet and links you to the sources you used to come up with your answer.

Another good thing about this Perplexity is that it lets you use GPT-4’s “Copilot” mode for free: https://www.perplexity.ai/

Another thing to consider is that a language model’s answers are usually very general. Hence, they need to be changed by a person to fit unique situations and needs.

6. Use it to check your work

You should know how to spell properly if you make it to college. But we know that the education system isn’t perfect and that some college students don’t know how to properly use capital letters, accents, and punctuation marks.

ChatGPT can find misspelled words and fix them. Students with these kinds of problems can use the tool to look over their texts, but they need to use it to learn and figure out where they keep making mistakes.

Paste your written text, then ask the model to check the spelling and grammar. You can even ask it to use fewer words and cut out things already said. Ask the AI to replace words you use repeatedly with words that are better for your work.

All of this is meant to help you learn so that you can stop relying on an AI and improve your writing skills. You will eventually have to do things at work where you won’t be able to check ChatGPT to see if the word you wrote has an accent. Don’t you want to avoid looking silly?

7. Ask for AI’s thoughts, then build on them

Instead of just asking ChatGPT to do your homework for you, use this tool to get ideas for improvement from your own experience.

It’s very helpful to hear viewpoints that differ from yours. This will help you to find new ways to deal with problems. This works best when thoughts from different places are added to it.

By using the tool to get new ideas, you can make work with different viewpoints. But you should push yourself to come up with your own ideas.

Related article: Bidang Pekerjaan Yang Mungkin Tidak Akan Diambil Alih AI

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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