5 Reasons SPM Leavers Should Go to Community College

5 Reasons SPM Leavers Should Go to Community College

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A four-year university education is not ideal for everyone. Thus, SPM leavers should consider community college as an option.

Here are five reasons why attending community college is sometimes a better option:

1. Save money

5 Reasons SPM Leavers Should Go to Community CollegeThe cost of a community college is only a fraction of the cost of a public or private four-year residential college. If you don’t have enough money and you didn’t do well enough on your tests to get a scholarship, community colleges can save you thousands of ringgit.

But don’t make your choice based on money. Many four-year colleges and universities offer great financial aid to those who need it. Community college tuition is often less than half the price of a public four-year university and just a fraction of the price for private universities. However, you need to do your research to find out how much your college will actually cost.

2. Poor grades or test results

Don’t worry if your GPA or test scores aren’t high enough to get you into a good four-year college. Community schools almost always have open admissions. Community college is a good way to improve your academic skills and show that you are a dedicated student. If you want to move to a four-year university, your college grades will be looked at more closely than your high school record.

Remember that an open admissions policy does not mean that you can study in any school at any time. Because there will be limited spots in some classes and events, you should sign up as soon as possible.

3. Work or family responsibilities

Most community schools have classes on the weekend and in the evening, so you can go to school even if you have other duties. Four-year colleges and universities rarely give you this much freedom.

Related Article: Bad SPM Results? Here’s What You Can Do!

4. Bachelor’s Degree is not require for your job

There are a lot of certificate and associate classes at community colleges that you can’t find at four-year schools. Many jobs in technology and service do not require a four-year degree, and you can only get the specific training you need at community colleges.

5. You’re not sure about attending college

Many high schoolers think they should go to college, but they don’t know why, and many of them don’t like school. If this sounds like you, you might want to think about going to a community college. You can try out some college-level classes without spending a lot of time or money.

If you are set to start your career journey, head over to Jobstore.com and find your next job opportunity.

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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