10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Addiction

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Addiction rates across the country continue to spike, more people are suffering with addiction and substance abuse. Friends, family and loved ones can fall into the grips of drugs and alcohol. Therefore, it is crucial that we as a society learn the true meaning of addiction. To learn how to recognise symptoms early, get the person help and even be able to save their life. 

  1. Addiction Is a Disease

Unlike the common cold, you can’t catch a disease the same way. In fact, addiction is not a sign of weakness or lack of willpower. It is just simply a disease that changes the brain. People that suffer from addiction have immense difficulty in controlling their use of substances. They may have the intention to quit but find it impossible to recover without help. 

2. Many Addicts Feel Isolated

Addiction often leads to isolation and feeling lonely. The person may feel as if they are different from everyone else and that nobody would fully understand their situation. This seclusion can make loved ones find it difficult to offer them help. It is crucial that this person knows that they are not alone and help is always available.

3. Addiction Is Lifelong

Addiction is a chronic disease that needs lifelong treatment as like any other chronic disease where periods of relapse and remission happens. With proper and consistent treatment, addicts are able to live long, healthy lives in recovery.

4. Dependence Makes Drugs Feel Normal

People that suffer from addiction develop a sense of dependence when on drugs or alcohol. When this happens, it means that they must take the substance in order to live normally. They may not be able to go through the day without using and may neglect responsibilities if they do so. Dependence will eventually lead to tolerance which is when the person needs more of the substance to get the same effect. 

Related link: How to Overcome Spending Addiction

5. Addiction Can AffectAnyone

Addiction does not discriminate. It can affect anyone regardless of their age, gender, race or even socioeconomic status. People from all walks of their life can fall victim to addiction. 

6. Nobody Knows the Exact Cause of Addiction

According to research, there is no single cause of addiction because it is thought to be caused by a combination of genetics, psychology, and environment. Some people are more prone to dependence than others. For example, having a partner who is addicted may cause you to develop dependence. People who have certain mental health issues may be more prone to dependence than those who do not. 

7. Withdrawal Can Be Dangerous

When a person is addicted to a substance suddenly stops using, they may experience withdrawal symptoms where they can be both physical and psychological. Physical symptoms may include shaking, sweating while psychological symptoms are anxiety and depression. Withdrawal can certainly be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to detox under the care of a medical care team. 

8. Addition Is Not Just For Drugs & Alcohol

People would often think that addiction can only be to drugs and alcohol. However, dependence can also involve other substances such as gambling, sex, food and shopping. People can also be addicted to behaviours such as walking, cleaning or spending time on social media. 

9. Recovery Requires Drastic Change

If you want to recover from addiction, you must make really big changes in your life such as giving up old friends, changing your living situation or finding a new job. Recovery is definitely not easy. However, with the help of recovery and a strong support system, you can overcome and build a healthy, sober life. 

10. Recovery is Possible

Although recovery is challenging, it is still possible. You can overcome disease and build a healthy, sober life with the right treatment and support.

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