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Fortunately, by making a lot of simple choices, you can easily make your life more stable and still enjoyable. Here is the list of easy changes to live sustainably every day. Choosing to live a sustainable lifestyle does not mean you’ll have to give things up or reduce your quality of life at all. In fact, you’ll feel more fulfilled and happy knowing your contributing to a better world.

  • Choose Sustainable Billing Options

Every person and business on the planet has bills that need to be paid. This is a simple way all of us can make a difference. Sort through your bills and try to go paperless as much as possible. Encourage businesses you associate with to go paperless if they’re not already. Regular billing statements can be sent to your email, making them more accessible, organized and secure. E-billing makes your life easier and is better for the environment.

  • Use Sustainable Products

It’s actually very easy to opt for sustainable products these days. Tons of companies make sustainability a priority. From clothing, to beauty brands, to food and energy companies. There are so many sustainable options to choose from. So choose brands that make sustainability a top priority. Choose brands that use recycled plastic or materials rather than brands that continuously add to the landfills. If you are a business owner yourself, careful planning across your business processes can help you stop sending waste to landfills. Businesses can take a lot of simple steps to achieve more sustainable practices, such as using bamboo instead of disposable plastic cutlery, replacing fluorescent tubes with LED bulbs, and hiring waste treatment contractors, etc.

  • Make Transportation Adjustments

Try to avoid automobiles as much as possible, at least for short distances. It will help reduce carbon emissions, thus saving the environment. You can opt for an electric car, bike, or run or walk if you live in a walkable city. Its a great way to get exercise and reduce how much you need to rely on gasoline powered transportation.

Carpooling is also an option. You can offer to drive coworkers and friends rather than ride together. Or hitch a ride whenever possible. Small consistent actions really add up over the long run!


  • Choose Sustainable Food and Beverages

Most importantly, vote with your money. Choose sustainable food manufacturers. You can shop at local farmers markets to get tasty farm-fresh produce from local providers. Shopping at farmers markets helps reduce carbon emissions from transportation. You can also just choose brands that have committed to sustainable practices. For instance, at Blugalacier, we’re fully committed to maintaining sustainable aquaculture. This is something we’re super proud of and will always maintain.

  • Choose Reusable Products:

A little change in your habits can have a big sustainable effect. Opt for reusable bottles on the go. Choose reusable dishrags over paper towels, reusable grocery bags over paper or plastic bags. Also, use reusable food storage containers to pack your food safely while reducing waste.

  • Cut Down On Plastic

Every year, thousands of sea turtles, seabirds, and other marine mammals die because of plastic. So cut down on your plastic waste by using reusable bags when and avoiding plastic-made products. Plastic is not biodegradable, so it ends up in landfills unless reused by a brand committed to sustainability.

  • Recycle

Recycling is the very least everyone should be doing at this point. It’s so easy and convenient to recycle. Simply make sure you have a recycle bin in your home, business, etc. All waste companies now offer recycling pick up with trash pick up so there is really no excuse!

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