The 5 P’s In Job Hunting

The 5 P’s In Job Hunting

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Job seekers often experience sleepless nights due to difficulty in finding the right opportunity or being seen by the right employer, and transforming their job search strategies is crucial.

The 5 Ps of marketing (product, price, promotion, place, and people) can be reassigned to suit the purpose of job hunting, as it is a marketing project for reaching the right employer. Thereby we come up with the 5 Ps of job hunting:

  • Positioning
  • Process
  • Persistence
  • Presentation
  • Personality

1. Positioning

Identify your unique value proposition, including qualities, experiences, and skills, and adjust it based on each employer’s requirements before applying for jobs.

2. Process

Job seekers should approach their search strategically, not applying for every job they find. Choose jobs that you are not overqualified or underqualified for, research the job, and understand the employer’s demands, business values, and workplace culture.

3. Persistence

Job search is a marathon, so conserve energy and focus on daily tasks. Create a job search planner with achievable goals and understand the time it will take. Stay motivated throughout the job hunt and remember that it will take time.

4. Presentation

The job search involves more than just writing a resume and applying for a job. Conducting yourself during a job interview is crucial. Dedicate time to prepare well, including a winning elevator pitch and preparing attire and answers to common questions. This will help you perform better and feel more confident during the interview process.

5. Personality

Employers seek more than just qualifications. They also seek the right employee fit for their company. To make yourself attractive, showcase your personality through your resume and interview performance, emphasizing shared values. No employer is willing to hire based on credentials alone; you must demonstrate your ability to excel in the job.

Read also: Secrets To Getting A Job ASAP

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