GASTROENTEROLOGIST RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:  Consulting with patients to understand their health concerns Performing specialised tests to diagnose patients such as MRI and CT scan Determining proper courses of treatment JOB BRIEF We are searching for a gastroenterologist to join our team and help patients with gastrointestinal and liver ailments such liver


ONCOLOGIST RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:  Working with patients to explain the diagnosis and discuss treatment options Leading a cancer treatment team of various healthcare professionals Coordinating treatment plants and prescribing various types of treatment such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy JOB BRIEF We are currently looking for a skilled and dedicated oncologist to

5 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer

5 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the eighth most prevalent cancer in Malaysia and is one of the causes of premature deaths in the country. In 2020, 2149 new cases of liver cancer were reported in Malaysia, comprising 4.4% of all cancers reported in the country that year. Early stages of liver cancer