5 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer

5 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer

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Liver cancer is the eighth most prevalent cancer in Malaysia and is one of the causes of premature deaths in the country. In 2020, 2149 new cases of liver cancer were reported in Malaysia, comprising 4.4% of all cancers reported in the country that year.

Early stages of liver cancer don’t always cause noticeable symptoms, but later stages may show a mix of signs.

Here are 5 signs that you may have liver cancer:

1. Weight loss that is sudden and hard to explain

Liver cancer can change how the body burns calories, making people lose weight without trying to.

Cancer cells compete with healthy cells for nutrients. Which messes up how your body uses energy and makes you lose weight.

So, losing weight quickly and not knowing why. When it happens significantly without changing your food or how much you exercise, it could be a warning sign.

5 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer

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2. Persistent abdominal pain

As liver cancer worsens, the tumor can grow and spread into the liver capsule and other nearby structures.

This can hurt or bother the liver in the upper right part of the belly.

If you have pain or discomfort on the right side of your upper stomach that doesn’t go away, you should pay attention.

3. Jaundice

Liver cancer can get in the way of the bile ducts, which carry bile, a substance made by the liver, to the bowels.

When bile flow is stopped, bilirubin builds up in the body, which can cause jaundice.

This telltale sign can make your face and the whites of your eyes yellow.

4. Feeling weak and tired

When the bile ducts get blocked, the liver’s normal functions, like making proteins needed for energy and muscle performance, can be affected.

This can make you feel tired and weak even though you’ve gotten enough rest.

5 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer

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5. Swelling in the legs and stomach

Liver cancer can also change how blood flows through the liver and raise the blood pressure in the blood vessels.

This can cause fluid to build up in the belly (ascites) or the legs (edema), causing swelling and pain.

Even though these signs don’t always mean you have liver cancer, you should get checked out.

Talk to your doctor as soon as possible about your symptoms so they can do a physical check, review your symptoms and medical history, and even order diagnostic tests.

Follow your doctor’s advice, and remember that early diagnosis and quick medical care are key to the best results.

SOURCE: Express

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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