Alice Chang yang sebelum ini telah dipecat beberapa kali dalam bidang industri makanan di Kuala Lumpur sekali lagi telah mencuri perhatian warganet apabila dia telah mendapat kerja baru dalam bidang yang lain iaitu di sebuah kedai menjual pakaian tradisional India. Artikel berkaitan: Pekerja Auntie Anne’s Dipecat Selepas Tular Isu Cium
Tag: resignation
Secrets On How To Survive A Job You Hate
Do you frequently find yourself saying “I hate my job but I can’t quit?” Are you caught in a situation where you are miserable at work but are unable to quit because of a lack of savings or sheer overwhelm? If you can relate to this, know that you are
6 Alasan Berhenti Kerja Yang Paling Munasabah
Berhenti kerja bukanlah sesuatu keputusan yang mudah untuk dilakukan lebih-lebih lagi jika syarikat dan majikan tempat anda bekerja menghargai dan menyayangi anda. Keputusan untuk berhenti kerja memerlukan anda untuk berfikir dengan teliti serta mempertimbangkan semula keputusan anda sama ada ia tepat atau sebaliknya. Di samping itu, alasan anda untuk meninggalkan
The Great Resignation: What’s Going On?
Social unpredictability and instability can have far-reaching effects. It’s possible that it triggered the Great Resignation. With the economy and the lives of so many people being shaken up on such a large scale, many people are refocusing on what is most important to them. During that time of self-reflection
3 Sikap Majikan Yang Buatkan Pekerja Hantar Surat ‘Resign’
Sikap majikan memainkan peranan penting dalam sesebuah syarikat dan organisasi. Seorang majikan yang baik seharusnya mengetahui cara untuk memupuk semangat dan sentiasa memberi motivasi kepada pekerja bawahannya. Malangnya, tidak semua majikan faham dan peduli tentang keinginan para pekerjanya. Dalam artikel kali ini, kami akan kongsikan 3 sikap majikan yang buatkan pekerja hantar
Can you withdraw your resignation letter in Malaysia?
Imagine this: One day, you get into an argument with your boss and, in an impulsive decision, you decide to quit. You send out an e-mail to your whole team, including your boss, saying you’re resigning. Within minutes, your boss sends you a reply saying he accepts your resignation. But the next day, once you’ve cooled
How to Talk to Your Boss After You Received a Job Offer
The first question is not How to tell your boss you got another job offer, the first question shall be Why I need to tell my boss that I have received another job offer. Am I right? It’s actually a delicate situation, if you play it correctly, you may find
Guide to resign respectfully while still work from home
The continued Covid-19 pandemic has ushered in the largest working-from-home population in human history alongside a period of great economic uncertainty. Whether from a better job offer, pre-empting redundancy, or concern with how the employer has handled the crisis, many professionals are choosing to resign. This guide has been made
What to do With a New Job Offer After You Received Your Confirmation
What do you do if you’ve received a better job offer?