Negara dikhuatiri akan kehilangan tenaga kerja profesional seperti doktor dan saintis kerana semakin banyak pelajar di peringkat sekolah menengah tidak lagi tertarik pada mata pelajaran dalam bidang Sains Tulen. Ini dapat dilihat melalui peratusan calon yang mengambil subjek Sains Tulen dalam Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) yang dikesan terus merosot di
5 Humanistic Jobs You Can Do to Change Someone’s Life
If you choose humanistic job, make sure to always keep learning, because the stakes are higher when your job has a huge impact on someone’s life. We all want work, and we want fulfilling work. Fulfillment in work looks different for everyone. Creativity, working with people, and dynamic work are
8 Challenges Malaysia Must Overcome to Achieve Vision 2020
In a few months, 2019 will come to an end and yet we are nowhere close to achieving vision 2020.