Tips to Stay Inspired in Life

Tips to Stay Inspired in Life

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When life gets dull, routined, and stagnant, it can be a bore to go through. Keeping your passion and excitement blazing is something you should always strive to do and you have to find new and effective ways to achieve it. We’ve narrowed down a few practical tips for you to give a go when you hit that plateau and need to perk up!


“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”- Stephen King

Reading is Gold

Widen your knowledge, be curious, and indulge in books that can motivate or pique your interest. Choose books that are motivational to empower you or thought-provoking reads to get you thinking. Reading can produce great ideas, develop a creative mind, and help put your mind in gear for big things. Inspiration can come from reading a chapter or even a sentence or two. A good book will be able to transport you to a place beyond your imagination, especially when its contents inspire, changes your perspective, and moves your heart. Write down new words and impactful quotes you’ve read to encourage and energise you through the joy of reading.


Sweat it Out and Stay Healthy

It’s no mystery that sweating is good for your body. Apart from keeping your body from overheating, it expels toxins which prevents toxic overload in your body. Having a toxic overload includes experiencing constant fatigue, muscle pain, joint aches, headaches, and bloating to name a few. Besides working out by yourself, you can also opt for community classes at the gym or around your neighbourhood. Meeting like-minded people and exercising together can foster good relationships, improve your outlook on body image, and train you to give support and affirmations to one another. Choose to also eat healthily. A balanced and proper diet can boost your focus level and keep unnecessary weight gain or illnesses at bay.


Show Gratitude

Give thanks for the small and the big things. Don’t sweat the small stuff and learn to let go of things you are unable to control; be it at work or your personal life. Show your loved ones how important they are to you. Surprise them by sending some flowers or goodies on their birthday, organise monthly team lunches to appreciate your colleagues or just say thank you and great job to one another when you achieve milestones at work. Taking the time to express your appreciation will boost the morale of others and give you a ‘feel good’ vibe and cheerful attitude.


Follow the 50/10 Rule

Start practicing the 50/10 rule in your daily tasks. It’s a straightforward and clear rule which can be applied to almost any type of work to keep you on track and complete your tasks. Set 50 minutes of uninterrupted work and 10 minutes of rest time to recharge. You’ll work better with the fixed time and it’ll slowly become habitual if you do it often enough. Expectations can be met, burnouts can be avoided, and you’ll be productive and comfortable knowing you can produce as much as possible in the set amount of time.

Related: 6 Bad Habits That are Killing Your Productivity at Work


Organise Your Space or Home

Be it at the office or at home, treat your space with love and respect. Give it a good sprucing up and add in your bit of character. Add lively desk plants, flowers, framed photos, positive affirmation posters, or any form of decorative accents which gives you a happy memory. De-cluttering your space allows you to be more relaxed and free to think about the things that interest you, thus inspire you. Give your home a fresh coat of paint yearly or rearrange your furniture and do a monthly clear-out to get rid of unwanted items you have lying around your home. Studies has shown that having a neat and tidy workplace increases productivity and lessen distractions at work.

“I enjoy decorating and keeping my entire home and work desk tidy. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes it easier to focus on work when I can find the right file and papers on my table!” – Angeline Tan, Sales and Marketing Senior Executive


Take Up Music, Photography, Art, or Dance

Express yourself and take it to the canvas, lenses, lyrics, instruments, or the dancefloor to share your enthusiasm. Learn and create astonishing pieces of art from your heart. A blank canvas can be intimidating at first, but after drawing an outline and painting in colours, it’ll surely become an enjoyable and inspiring activity. Don’t be afraid to go wild, make mistakes or fail when you create your masterpieces, and sway to the rhythm. Many people practice free form writing, freestyle rapping, or abstract painting to release their inner feelings. The more you channel your emotions through this mode, the more you can clear your conscious mind that might be filled with fear and insecurities that’s weighing you down.

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