How to Maintain A Good Body Posture

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Putting in effort in improving your body posture can yield great benefits for your overall being. Good posture is not just about standing straight, it includes the way you sit, runs and sleeps too. Here’s a guide on how to help you start maintaining a good body posture and understanding the negative effects of having a bad one.

The effects of bad posture

When you slouch or slump, so does your spin which can affect your blood circulation and it can cause your vertebrae to deteriorate over time. Moreover, moving your body with a bad posture can be taxing on your muscles and joints. Coupled with blood circulation issues, poor posture can easily lead to exhaustion. A bad posture can also lead to chronic back, neck and shoulder pain resulting in headaches as well as various body pains. 

There are other potential issues such as individuals with back pain suffering from a herniated disc due to bad posture. The worst effects of bad posture can cause a misalignment in your body which can negatively affect your muscles and bones, this, in turn, can change the way you move and can reduce your range of motion.

What causes bad posture?

A bad posture does not mean it’s a sign of laziness, the most common issue comes from weight gain as it changes how our skeleton and muscles support themselves. Other causes include: 

  • unsupportive shoes
  • genetics
  • stress
  • accidents or injuries
  • being overweight
  • foot problems
  • low self-esteem
  • poor lumbar support while seated
  • unsupportive mattress
  • weak muscles
  • chairs that are too high or too low
  • hunching to get closer to a screen

The importance of having a good posture

Maintaining a good posture is important as it helps you realign your body the right way. Here a quick and easy way to check your posture:

1.Stand with the back of your head against the wall.

2.Place heels 6 inches from the wall while your buttocks and shoulder blades lean to the wall. Keep in mind that there should be less than 2 inches between your neck or small of the back and the wall. Having a large gap, shows you have a bad posture and a curving spine.

Sitting posture do’s and don’ts


1.Keeping your head straight and not tilted up or down.

2.Keeping your shoulders back and trying to relax.

3.Sitting with your knees slightly lower than your hips.

4.Keeping your feet flat on the floor.


1.Trying to keep your back ramrod straight

2.Working without support for your arms.

3.Tucking your feet under the chair.

4.Crossing your legs above the knees, this may cause poor circulation.

Standing posture do’s and don’ts


1.Keeping your shoulders back and aligned.

2.Use your stomach muscles to keep your body straighter.

3.Slightly bend your knees to ease pressure on the hips.

4.Use quality shoes that provide good support.


1.Sticking your chest out. Instead, try to maintain your chest perpendicular to the ground.

2.Standing in the exact position for long periods. Moving around and shifting your weight.

3.Wearing high heels while standing for long periods.

Running posture do’s and don’ts


1.Keep your head up and look forward.

2.Keep your arms loose and elbows at a 90-degree angle.

3.Lean forward slightly while running.

4.Hit the ground with the midpoint of your foot and roll it forward to the toe.


1.Hunching your shoulders while running.

2.Bending your waist.

3.Lifting your knees too high. 

Sleeping do’s and don’ts


1.Using a firm mattress that provides support.

2.Minimize spinal curves by using pillows as necessary or upgrading your mattress.

3.Stretching before bed eases tense muscles.

4.Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs, on your back, or under your knees for better support.


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You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

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