
Work-from-Home are Less Efficient, You heard it right.

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No one doesn’t like work from home, oh, maybe Elon Musk doesn’t.  According to some some survey, it shows that work-from-home improves productivity up to 47%. But do you really believe it? I mean do you really see that your productivity has increased when you were work from home? 

We have talked with hundreds of companies in Malaysia when when Jobstore analyzed worforce performance data. We found that Work-from-home are less efficient. It isn’t even close.

Office based workers are 50% more productive than people at home. They usually can learn from their peers. Or they just have a better idea of what is expected of them. Bottom line is more output per work hour. so they can just get more things done.

And Home based workers have 30% more idle time during their work hours than office based employees. Amazingly, home workers take longer to get to the kitchen and back then office based workers take to get their lunches. Or, more accurately, what we found was that home based workers have a higher percentage of hours clocked out on breaks.

But even though work-from-home are less efficient, that doesn’t mean employers should shut down the option. In fact, we’ve found a variety of things that impact work-from-home productivity. Work-from-home get hit with everything from slower internet connections that make applications bog down, to an inability to get timely help when they get stuck. It’s hard for managers and workers to see and resolve these problems.

Besides, work-from-home also has its advantages. It allows companies to save on office space, hire people in lower cost areas, and source candidates from a broader pool.

The problem is that many companies, it doesn’t work to manage work-from-home exactly the same as they would manage people in the office.  Managers need better tools to help them understand what their workers are doing. Work-from-home need better tools to understand how they fit in, and keep them engaged in their jobs.

Work-from-home is here to stay, and will continue to grow in popularity for many good reasons. But for the next phase of the debate, please talk about how to make work-from-home works, not if it can work.

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