Work-Life Balance is a Myth?

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Today, the phrase work-life balance can be found everywhere. It’s all over social media, and there’s a discussion about it at least once a month. This is due to high stress work, and people are quitting at an alarming pace. However, what exactly is work-life balance and is that lifestyle attainable or not?

It was reported that 50% of Malaysians are willing to leave their current positions to achieve work-life balance. Based on the report, Malaysians define work-life balance as having sufficient spare time to do what they desire with the people they care about.

Is work-life balance a myth?

Malaysia’s economy and labor markets have witnessed tremendous changes in the last three years, affecting how employee views and approaches work. While competitive compensation and perks remain crucial, employees are increasingly searching for firms that promote a more holistic and healthy work-life balance to make them feel good.

Work-life balance is not a myth, and here’s how you can achieve them:

Communicate with your boss

When your job becomes a burden, it’s time to talk to your boss. You can request for certain tasks to be delegated to other staff or that large projects be assigned to someone else.

Set boundaries

Set boundaries for yourself, such as no email after dinner or no work before breakfast, so that you can enjoy your time alone or with your loved ones.

Block your work applications

If you know you’ll still check your email after work, you should install an app that blocks your work apps at particular times of the day. On weekends and holidays, you can disable all work email notifications.

Unplug from work

Allow yourself some time to recharge and try something new outside of your work. The activity can be as simple as visiting a new cafe or restaurant nearby. Your productivity at work will undoubtedly improve and it can improve your focus and efficiency.

Work-life balance is not just a modern myth. You can accomplish the balance, but it is simply up to you to make it a reality.

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