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Every time you apply for a job, you are asked to submit a resume, usually along with a customised cover letter. A CV allows you to highlight the relevant professional and academic experience and to show the potential employer that you are a great candidate. 

Related link: 6 Tips To Make Your Resume Stand Out In 2019

Here are 5 tips on how to make your CV more impressive: 

1. Tailor your CV

Customise your CV for each job application. Make sure to analyse the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications needed. Highlight relevant experiences, achievements and skills needed for the specific job role. This tailored approach shows that you take the time to understand what the employer is looking for. 

2. Strong Professional Summary

Start your CV with a concise and impactful summary or objective statement. This section should highlight your key strengths, professional achievements and experiences and career goals. Use this opportunity to show your value and what makes you stand out from the rest. 

3. Showcase Achievements

Focus on your accomplishments and contributions you’ve made. Use correct and specific metrics and numbers to demonstrate the impact you made. Quantifiable results make it more compelling and substantiate your abilities. 

4. Organise Effectively

Structure your CV clearly and logically. Use headings and bullet points to break down the information such as work experience, education, skills and achievements. Maintain the same format throughout the resume so that it would be easier to read. Use a professional font and maintain a suitable font size for better readability. 

5. Highlight Relevant Skills

Include a dedicated skills section in your resume by showcasing specific technical, soft and industry-specific skills you possess. You can also mention certifications, workshops or training courses you’ve completed in the past. This shows your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. 


Keep your CV concise and error-free. Try to limit it to 2 pages. Use clear and concise language while avoiding incorrect spelling or grammar. Make sure to proofread your resume before submitting to your interviewer. 

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