International Cat Day: 5 Ways to Make Your Cats Happy

International Cat Day: 5 Ways to Make Your Cats Happy

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Cats are one of the most popular companions in the world, which is undeniable given their adorable and wacky characteristics. 8 August is a day dedicated to celebrating cats worldwide.

Indeed, International Cat Day exists and is celebrated globally in honor of all cats and kittens who teach us to appreciate life’s small pleasures. They also teach us the art of discovering joy in the most mundane things.

Cats have held a special position in human history and hearts. From the ancient Egyptians’ adoration of these enigmatic creatures to viral internet videos.

According to the Animal Hospital of Richboro in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, a veterinarian suggested the following methods to make your furry companion happy on this special day.

Here are 5 ways to make your cats happy:

1. The best way to make a cat happy is to keep it healthy.

You must prioritize your feline friend’s health if you want them to remain content. You can do so by giving them access to fresh air and nutritious food.

Despite the fact that many cats enjoy outdoor activities, such as leaving pawprints on windshields and refusing to come when summoned. It is actually safer and healthier for them to remain indoors.

A tidy litterbox has a positive effect on a cat’s health and disposition. Ask your veterinarian for advice on caring for your furry friend, and it is always advisable to learn more about cats.

In addition, remember to visit the veterinarian frequently to ensure your feline child’s optimal health.

International Cat Day: 5 Ways to Make Your Cats Happy

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2. Keep them occupied with games or by playing with them.

As hunters by nature, they have a natural instinct to pounce or leap on objects, and it is one of the many things that makes them happy.

Find a variety of entertaining and simple-to-play-with toys that your cats can push under the sofa or jump at as an alternative to jumping on you. Moreover, toys that enable you to play with your feline companion are an excellent way to strengthen your bond with them.

Although toys are wonderful, you are by far your cat’s favorite form of entertainment; therefore, you must spend a few minutes each day playing with your furry friend.

3. Comfortable beds and simple comforts

The desire for comfortable beds and amenities is one of the few similarities between cats and humans.

Cats are unquestionably sleepy little furballs. So provide them with a variety of comfortable sleeping accommodations for their 32 daily rests.

In addition, providing feline overlords with simple luxuries such as a window seat from which they can observe birds and squirrels, scratching posts, cat furniture, and regular grooming sessions can help you win their hearts.

4. Entertain their curiosity

Cats investigating something to satiate their curiosity are featured in a number of the most popular cat videos that have generated a craze among internet users. While cats enjoy this activity, their owners find it amusing as well.

If you want to make your kitten or cat content, provide them with things that pique their curiosity, which is nearly everything. However, cardboard crates, newspaper tunnels, pet tents, and paper bags would be preferable.

5. Pay attention to them

Because you are the person they feel safest with, the best way to make your furry companion happy is by giving them your undivided attention.

It does not matter if they do not comprehend you if you communicate with them. Your attention to and affection for your companion will ultimately improve their disposition, especially on International Cat Day!

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

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