MOH will develop a mental health plan for youth

MOH Will Develop a Mental Health Plan for Youth

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The Ministry of Health (MOH) will create a mental health action plan for those age groups to address the growth in mental health cases involving children and teenagers.

Youths represent the nation’s future. Hence, the rise in mental health issues among them is a concerning trend, according to Minister Dr. Zaliha Mustafa.

“An action plan for the mental health of children and adolescents will be developed so that this problem does not worsen to the point of suicide,” she said after attending the 2023 World Mental Health Day celebration, Bernama reported.

On October 14, Dr. Zaliha reported that the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) report showed that 424,000 children in the nation had mental health concerns over the previous year. This trend expected to continue after COVID-19.

She also noted that Malaysians’ understanding of this issue is still poor and that the Ministry of Health will use various strategies to increase public awareness, particularly during pandemic times.

MOH will develop a mental health plan for youth

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According to Dr. Zaliha, individuals can now access various services via digital platforms, such as the MyMinda module of the MySejahtera program.

“Through MyMinda, users can check their mental health status by answering healthy mind screening questions to assess themselves, get psychoeducational materials, and access psychosocial support services,’ she said.

She introduced the Training Module on Suicide Prevention First-Line Responders at the event.

It is to enhance knowledge and educate front-line staff on how to handle instances of suicidal behavior.

The Training Module on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS), created to train paramedics, family physicians, and medical officers in health clinics nationwide, also made public.

A minimum of one MHPSS team now established in every district and hospital, according to Dr. Zaliha, who said that they formed the module under the restrictions of professionals, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Mental Health Belongs to All, Stop the Stigma campaign, which sought to combat stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness through traditional media like television and radio and digital and social media platforms.

Dr. Zaliha stated that all parties must play a part in caring for and protecting mental balance, address the issues in the community, and end stigma and unfavorable opinions of people with mental illnesses.

She added that this creates a significant barrier for people with a mental illness condition seeking appropriate treatment because it is widely believed that people with mental illness are incurable.

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