6 Things To Consider Before Applying For A Job

6 Things To Consider Before Applying For A Job

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Creating a successful job application involves a combination of elements such as a winning resume, compelling cover letter, and a stunning LinkedIn profile. The effort put into each component determines the success in the job market. To achieve great results, consider applying these strategies that have helped previous applicants achieve great results.

1. Use an ATS-friendly resume template

Choosing a fancy resume template can make you stand out, but it’s often not ATS-friendly, leading to potential rejection during initial scans. To ensure you pass through the employer’s ATS, create an ATS-friendly resume instead.

2. Reconsider the picture

A photograph is not a best practice for resume-writing, but is essential in industries like acting and modeling where physical appearance is crucial. If you’re not applying for a job that requires a headshot, it’s best to leave it out.

3. Talk to a recruiter

Having your resume reviewed by a recruiter or employer can significantly enhance your job search. They can identify any errors and offer suggestions for improvement, thereby facilitating faster job acquisition. Therefore, seeking professional advice is highly recommended.

4. Cut off the objective

Many job seekers add an objective statement to their resumes, often aiming to secure an interview. This statement is unnecessary but occupies a significant space, making it a waste of time. Therefore, it’s advisable to remove the objective.

5. Summarize the best

In the recruitment industry, hiring managers often scan resumes in less than a minute. To impress them, create an impactful resume summary statement, which can compel even the busiest managers to read the entire document.

6. Employ the use of keywords

Keyword-optimized resumes enhance job application value. Clients consistently achieve excellent results with their resumes, whether written by a professional or independently, as they display the right keywords for the job.

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