5 Jenis Buli Yang Anda Wajib Ambil Tahu

Buli adalah tingkah laku agresif yang bertujuan untuk mendatangkan kemudaratan fizikal atau psikologi. Perlakuan ini dilakukan secara berulang sehingga pembuli merasa seronok dan puas.    Lazimnya, pembuli adalah mereka yang mempunyai sifat sebagai orang lebih kuat, berkuasa dan lebih berkemampuan untuk melakukan tingkah laku buli.  Apabila membicarakan tentang isu buli, ia tidak


An economist is someone who studies and analyses economic trends, principles and behaviours to understand how societies allocate resources and make decisions. They usually conduct research, collect data and interpret economic data to provide insights and advice to different sectors such as the government, businesses, organisations and also the public. 

3 Job Scams to Watch Out For

3 Job Scams to Watch Out For

Job scams often involve fake job postings on social media and job sites you can’t trust that offer high-paying jobs. People may also get unwanted text messages or messages that provide jobs that don’t exist. Job scammers will ask their victims for personal information, like their phone number, or to


Being a good employer is essential for fostering a positive and productive work environment while also furthering the success of the organisation. A good employer should respect you by valuing your work.  Here are the key reasons why it is important to be a good employer:   1. Employee Engagement &

'Job Description Template' Untuk Doktor Gigi

‘Job Description Template’ Untuk Doktor Gigi

Doktor gigi merupakan individu yang bukan sahaja bertanggungjawab untuk memeriksa gigi pesakit dan menjalankan pembedahan pada mulut dan rahang, malah doktor gigi juga berperanan dalam menguruskan pentadbiran. Seorang doktor gigi perlu menghadiri sesi audit untuk membincangkan kes-kes tertentu seperti masalah kesihatan gigi yang serius yang dihadapi oleh pesakit, membincangkan tentang

UI/UX Designer Job Description Template

UI/UX Designer Job Description Template

UI/UX Designer Job Description A user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designer is a professional who looks for new ways to improve the user experience. Branding tactics that are appealing to the eye help them reach more customers. They also ensure that the whole process of using their goods

Tips Untuk Kekal Bahagia Pada Masa Sukar

Tips Untuk Kekal Bahagia Pada Masa Sukar

Setiap orang mempunyai cara yang tersendiri untuk bahagia. Walau bagaimanapun, ada kalanya pasti sangat sukar untuk anda mengawal emosi terutamanya pada masa-masa sukar sehingga anda tertekan dan akhirnya kemurungan.    Mungkin sudah tiba masanya untuk anda belajar melepaskan semua perkara yang bukan milik anda dan yang membuatkan hati rasa resah


A multiplayer PC is a video game that allows multiple players to interact and play together in the same session simultaneously. These games require an internet connection to connect players from different parts of the world. Multiplayer games vary widely in genre, styles and even game interaction modes. Therefore, many

From Twitter to X: The End of a Legendary Brand

The app that used to be called Twitter changed its name over the weekend. It caused a lot of talk on the internet. Now, X.com replaces Twitter.com, but the social media site still tells people to “tweet.” The rebranding is another step in Twitter’s ongoing transformation from an online hangout


A pharmacist is a licensed healthcare professional that specialises in the preparation, dispensing and administration of prescribed medications and pharmaceuticals. Pharmacists play an important role in the healthcare system to ensure that patients receive safe and effective medications needed to manage their health problems. JOB BRIEF As a pharmacist, you