Store Manager atau Pengurus Kedai adalah individu yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengawasi operasi harian kedai agar ia berjalan lancar. Tugas Pengurus Kedai termasuklah memotivasikan sales team dengan perkhidmatan pelanggan (customer service) yang cemerlang. Job description template untuk Store Manager ini boleh disesuaikan mengikut kehendak dan keperluan anda. Template ini sesuai untuk
Tag: store manager job
Store Manager Job Description Template
Store Manager Job Description A Store Manager is a professional in charge of ensuring the store runs quickly and effectively every day. Their job is to keep their sales teams going by providing great customer service and developing business plans to help them do well in a competitive market. This
Top 7 Highest Paying Retail Jobs in 2022
What are retail jobs? Any professional who helps consumers get those products or services is in a retail job. This includes anyone from grocery store cashiers to commissioned fine art sellers to infomercial phone line operators and beyond. Additionally, it can cover a range of support staff, such as stockers and warehouse workers, as well