JOBSTORE: The Future Of Digital Recruitment

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With technological advances come the inevitable changes in today’s workforce. Almost no businesses are immune from the impact of technologies. Especially in the effort to attract top talent and improve the employee experience. 

Today’s generations are becoming more adept at various digital norms and gadgets. That means business leaders must integrate these changes into the workplace to engage with the general workforce. 

With that said, we are excited to introduce a better hiring solution that will fit perfectly into your digital roadmap. Now available in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia, meet the latest recruitment platform –

The Problems With Traditional Recruitment

The speed of technological integration in the human resource industry is relatively slow as compared to other industries. While advanced technologies like Big Data, AI-enabled software and tools are gaining popularity in many sectors (think chatbots or virtual assistants). HR professionals are familiar with only a handful of development in the industry 4.0 era; for instance, mobile recruiting, augmented reality applications or cloud-based software. 

As most companies are still relying on digital job platforms to fill their vacancies. There’s a huge gap between the candidate expectation and what an employer can deliver. Therefore, getting quality hires remain the top challenge to all HR practitioners. 

Traditional recruitment often looks like this: 

  • Determine the hiring needs
  • Draft the job descriptions and distribute on a job board (paid advertisement)
  • Wait for applications coming in
  • Manually filter all the resumes submitted
  • Interview and assess potential candidates
  • Go through the management for hiring decisions
  • Prepare the paperwork for onboarding

The issues:


Let’s say on average, a company receives 100 applications for every job opening, and each resume is 3-pages long, that’s 300 pages to go through – an equivalence of a novel! Now take into account the time that it takes for a hiring manager to contact a qualified candidate and set an interview appointment. That would drag the entire process to at least a month long if there’s only one recruiter. Here’s another problem, what if the company posts jobs to more than one portal? That’s another source of applications to track and filter.


Many employers consider quantity as one of the criteria for a successful talent acquisition initiative. However, having a large amount of jobs applications doesn’t guarantee quality candidates. Anyone can post jobs to the most popular platform and attract thousands of job seekers. But it takes good planning and strategic posting to reach the right talent pool. Traditional job advertisements often lack the unique experience that makes the vacancy appealing to a targeted group of job seekers. Less is more when it comes to hiring, especially for demanding jobs (for example, IT professionals, digital experts, etc…).


The most important factor of any recruitment strategy is the return of investment, whether the new hire makes a good fit in the company. The value that he or she brings to the team as well as the retention effectiveness. According to the Human Capital Benchmarking report by the Society for Human Resource Management, an average cost-per-hire is $4,129, which makes it a very costly decision to be made wrongly.  The initial cost is, of course, investment in a job posting. Different companies will have different channels to advertise their vacancies, from free posting (social sharing) to paid ads (through job portals or Google ads). This step is the most crucial point of the entire recruiting funnel –  employers must learn how to maximise the effectiveness of every job post to ensure only high-quality applicants. 

Progress Tracking

One of the drawbacks of traditional recruitment is its inability to track the hiring progress in real-time. Some of the key data that will assist HR professionals to optimise their acquisition effort include: the average amount of applications for every job post (to measure the job ad’s reach); the number view versus actual applications submitted for each job (to evaluate the quality of the job post); the average time/ steps required to confirm a new hire. Paper-based recruiting also poses potential issues when it comes to analysing data for performance review (how many candidates acquired in a given period of time and average tenure upon confirmation). This information helps organisations to recognise the candidate’s background or the types of interview questions/answers, of a great hire. 

How Can Jobstore Solve Those Problems? 

Realising the existing challenges in the staffing industry, the team at Jobstore is constantly developing a product that helps companies of all sizes to make the most of their recruiting budget. We pride ourselves as the sole player in the region that offers job distribution service that enables recruiters and hiring managers to: 

Maximise the effectiveness of every job posting

Jobstore allows you to post jobs to more than 20 other job sites in a single submission. It means that you’ll be able to multiply the job ad’s reach without having to pay extra fees. We work with premium partners like LinkedIn and Indeed, that’s a total of over one billion traffic to the listed job posts! (data from SimilarWeb) with LinkedIn especially, you’ll be able to target the right candidates who are genuinely interested in the role (based on LinkedIn’s own filtering funnels). 

More about Job Distribution features.

Accelerate The Hiring Process

For every active position, the system will match up to 30 candidates to help you hire faster. All application for your job post, will be collected and reported in a single dashboard. Jobstore also helps to filter all applications automatically and sort them into separate categories (for example, New, Foreign application, or Unqualified). 

More about Candidate Matching & Application Tracking features. 

Promote Company Culture to Attract Top Talents

To ensure high-quality candidates, the key is to create a strong connection with every applicant from the first interaction. Not only does the content of your job ads matters but also how you present your company its people and culture. We recommend our employers to leverage the benefits of a branded career site on Jobstore, designed to highlight the vibrant culture in every team. 

More about Career Site feature. 

Above all, we also focus on building a connection with aspiring professionals through our career blog. We feature valuable insights from industry experts to help everyone realise their strengths, to learn something new or simply to boost their job search. Companies who advertise through Jobstore also have the opportunities to engage with serious job seekers who are looking to advance their careers. 

Visit for more information about our service! 


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