7 Enjoyable Activities to Stay Productive During the Lockdown Period

7 Enjoyable Activities to Stay Productive During the Lockdown Period

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If you are not involved in any essential work, you would have spent all your time staying at home and working remotely during the MCO. If you find yourself running out ideas or things to do before the lockdown ends, here are some interesting activities to put your boredom at bay and be productive.


1.Learn new language

Here’s your perfect chance to spend more time learning a new language. There is plenty of video and online tutorials that you can check, but here a few sources that you can check out to pick up your favourite language. 


2.Learn to play an instrument

With so much free time on your hands, why not take this opportunity to learn new skills such as playing an instrument? Check out these instrument guides to learn about the basics and decide which musical tool that you are keen to learn more!


3. Write a story

The idea of writing a story can seem daunting at first, but once you just start writing, it can be a therapeutic practice and can help pass the time. Aim to write something every single day instead of following your mood. Even if the story isn’t that great, treat it as a learning curve and aim to do better for the next story. If you are looking for inspirations and ideas, check out this link: https://self-publishingschool.com/fiction-creative-writing-prompts/


4. Learn how to code

The ability to code can expand your career opportunity during and after the lockdown period. Becoming a master coder is no easy journey, and the best way to improve your learning is to seek feedback and pick up a mentor to guide you. Learning is certainly not enough to understand how code works. You will need to know how to tinker with it, which can help facilitate the learning process easier.


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5.Learn calligraphy and hand lettering

Learning how to be skilled in calligraphy and hand lettering requires a ton of practice. Learning it is also incredibly relaxing and helpful for anxiety.  Before you jump straight into the basics, you will need the right lettering supplies and you can just start it with cheap supplies first. Once you got your hands on the writing tools, check out the basic calligraphy tutorials and how to utilise them. 


6.Learn how to paint

Looking to get started in painting? First of all, start looking into beginner tutorials so that you can pick up the basics of painting with acrylics or watercolours. You will certainly need to get yourself a set of paints and brushes, a palette, a surface to paint on which are available for purchase from local online art shops or e-commerce sites. Most importantly, focus on the fundamentals be it the color, value, composition, edges, brushwork and technique as these areas will benefit every stroke you make which will gradually improve over time.


7. Photography

If you want to take good photos, there’s a multitude of ways to develop your talent in photography. Some of the key lessons that you should pick up include how to develop concepts, work with subjects, shoot with natural light and bring images to life in post-production. You can learn more by watching this basic video tutorial. 


What other activities are you looking to pick up during the lockdown period? Leave us your thoughts on the comment sections below. Head over to Jobstore.com and unveil your next job opportunity.

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