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Discrimination in the workplace happens when a person or a group of people is treated unfairly and unequally due to specific characteristics. This can happen between coworkers with job applicants or between employees and their employers. 

Whether this is done on purpose or by accident, discrimination regardless of intention is illegal. Preventing workplace prejudice is crucial for fostering a positive and inclusive work environment. 

Here are 5 effective ways to achieve this:


1. Promote Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives

Promote diversity and inclusion at your workplace. You can encourage people from different backgrounds, cultures and experiences to join your company. Embracing diversity as a strength and valuing the uniqueness that each employee brings to the company. 

2. Implement Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Policies

Develop a clear and detailed policy discussing that the company prohibits discrimination based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability and other protected characteristics. You can make these policies easily accessible to the employees and regularly communicate with them regarding it. 

3. Provide Training & Education

Conduct regular training sessions on diversity, inclusivity and sensitivity. Educate employees about the different forms of discrimination and biases. These training sessions can help raise awareness, promote empathy and equip employees with the right tools to recognise and address discriminatory behaviour. 

Related link: How to Deal with Workplace Bullies

4. Establish a Safe Reporting Mechanism

Create a safe and confidential reporting system for employees to report incidents of discrimination and harassment. This is to ensure that all employees know how to make reports and that they will be protected from reporting such incidents. When such reports reach the managers, a prompt investigation should be taken. 

5. Lead By Example 

Ensure that team leaders and managers set a positive example by treating all the employees fairly and respectfully. Leaders should demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion and that if any discrimination were to happen, action would be taken seriously. Creating a culture of respect and fairness starts from the top. 

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