
10 Fun Facts About Cats

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  1. nesOnly 20% of Orange Cats Are Female

Color in cats is mostly related to their sex because the gene causing colour is on the X chromosome.This means that if an orange female cat has a litter of kittens, all the males will be orange. But a female cat will only be orange if both of those X chromosomes carry the orange color, meaning both parents must be orange to create an orange female kitten.

  1. Cats Have Fewer Taste Buds Than Dogs or People

Cats have about 473 taste buds, which is far fewer than humans as we have 9,000 or dogs that have 1,700. Felines are only able to taste savory, salty, bitter and sour flavours but they don’t taste sweets.

  1. Cats Don’t Get Cavities

Up to 90% of cats more than 4 years old have dental problems. Cats get feline resorptive lesions where the dentin wears away, leaving them with a painful mouth. Cats can also get gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease.

  1. Many Felines Get the Zoomies After Using the Litter Box

Lots of cats will run like crazy after using the litter pan for a bowel movement are just a way to celebrate a job well done.

  1. Cat Whiskers Are as Sensitive as Human Fingertips

Cat whiskers are thicker and coarser than regular fur and have roots that are three times deeper. They are strategically located on the cat’s face to provide sensory equipment to help guide a feline through the day, aiding vision and helping the cat to navigate, much like antennae on insects.

Related link: International Cat Day: 5 Ways to Make Your Cats Happy

  1. Cats are Nearsighted, but See Great in the Dark

Cats are nearsighted because their eyes are so large and placed so forward on their face. In fact, they can’t focus on anything less than 1 foot in front of them. However, they make up for this nearsightedness with an excellent ability to see in the dark. Felines have extra dark-specialising cells called rods and a tapetum in the back of the eye. 

  1. Cats Have the Same Number of Brain Cells in Their Cerebral Cortex as Brown Bears

Even though a bear’s brain is 10 times bigger than a cat brain, felines have about the same number of information processing cells. The cerebral cortex of a bear has 251 million cells, while the tabby has about 250 million cells.

  1. Cats Use Dewclaws To Help Them Grip

The dewclaw is the tiny little claw found up on the inner wrist of your cat which is the one that is hard to clip and that overgrows very quickly.  Technically, the dewclaw is very similar to the human thumb. 

  1. That Adorable Paunch on a Cat’s Belly Is Also Found in Lions and Tigers

That swinging, dangling pouch on your cat’s belly is actually a normal structure found in all felines—wild and domestic. However, it’s important to tell the difference between a normal pouch and a big fat pad associated with obesity.

  1. Cats That Scratch Furniture Are Often Marking Their Territory

Cats have tiny scent glands on their feet so when they scratch furniture they leave just a little bit of their smell on it. Additionally, shredded corners of a couch or chair are a visual sign of your cat’s space. So although you don’t want your cat destroying your furniture, the scratching is a signal that they love you and their space.

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