There are countless apps and tips that claim to increase workplace productivity. However, the majority of them are utterly ridiculous. The best way to increase productivity is to understand how you work and thrive and find a way for you to work smarter. To achieve this, you will need to
Category: Self Development
From industry-centric to essential workplace skills, Jobstore’s personal development guides help to boost your career growth.
5 Strategies To Evaluate Your Career Development
Has your career development recently crossed your mind? Career progression, also referred to as career development, is the process of progressively climbing the corporate ladder. Expanding your knowledge, skill set, and responsibilities is just as important as receiving regular promotions and pay raises. It can also mean professional growth outside
Malaysia Di Tempat Ke-2 Negara Dengan Work Life Balance Paling Buruk Di Dunia
Kajian terkini daripada Remote, sebuah syarikat perkhidmatan sumber manusia global telah mengumumkan keputusan mengejutkan tentang keseimbangan kehidupan dan kerja (work life balance) di 60 negara dengan KDNK tertinggi di dunia. Malangnya, Malaysia menduduki kedudukan kedua terakhir dalam indeks tersebut, menjadikannya negara Asia yang paling rendah dalam penilaian tersebut. Kajian ini
Micromanage Di Tempat Kerja & Bagaimana Untuk Menghadapinya
Pernahkah anda berhadapan dengan majikan yang sikapnya suka micromanage? Apa itu micromanage? Micromanage merujuk kepada sifat seorang ketua yang terlibat dalam semua aspek kerja yang dilakukan oleh ‘ahli bawahannya’ dari awal hingga akhir. Individu yang mempunyai ciri ini dikenali sebagai micromanager. Antara ciri yang terdapat pada seorang micromanager termasuk: Tidak
Kesan Pekerja Toksik Kepada Syarikat
Kita selalu dengar tentang kawan atau ahli keluarga yang ‘toksik’, iaitu seseorang yang sentiasa negatif dan memberi impression yang tidak baik terhadap orang sekeliling. Tapi bagaimana pula dengan ‘pekerja toksik’? Sama seperti manusia-manusia toksik dalam kehidupan peribadi kita, pekerja toksik juga boleh memberi cabaran di tempat kerja. Mereka boleh menyukarkan
5 Jenis Penyakit Yang Boleh Berlaku Akibat Pekerjaan
Ramai orang mengamalkan penjagaan diri di tempat kerja bagi mengelakkan sebarang penyakit atau masalah yang tidak diingini. Namun, terdapat beberapa jenis penyakit yang berlaku bukan disebabkan kelalaian, sebaliknya disebabkan pilihan profesion kita yang menyebabkan timbul masalah kesihatan yang jarang dialami orang lain. Artikel berkaitan: Bahaya Stres Terhadap Kesihatan Mental Dan
Ini 5 Sebab Kenapa Aktiviti ‘Team Building’ Penting Dalam Sesebuah Syarikat
Aktiviti team building adalah aktiviti atau program yang menjadi pilihan syarikat bagi meningkatkan produktiviti pekerja/staf/kakitangan. Aktiviti ini adalah inisiatif majikan dan syarikat untuk mengembalikan dan meningkatkan produktiviti setiap pekerja di semua peringkat. Banyak syarikat yang menjadikan aktiviti team building sebagai salah satu aktiviti tahunan yang wajib ada dalam agenda syarikat.
Secrets On How To Survive A Job You Hate
Do you frequently find yourself saying “I hate my job but I can’t quit?” Are you caught in a situation where you are miserable at work but are unable to quit because of a lack of savings or sheer overwhelm? If you can relate to this, know that you are
6 Steps To Take When Making Mistakes At Work
Every employee certainly wants to give their best at the workplace. However, in the process of striving for excellence, there is no denying that we all must have made mistakes. Making mistakes at the workplace is a common occurrence. This is because, from these mistakes, you can learn new things
Apa Nak Buat Kalau Anda Buat Kesalahan Di Tempat Kerja?
Setiap pekerja pastinya ingin memberikan yang terbaik ketika di tempat kerja. Namun, dalam proses untuk jadi yang terbaik, kita pasti pernah melakukan kesalahan. Melakukan kesalahan ketika di tempat kerja sebenarnya satu perkara yang biasa. Ini kerana, dari kesalahan tersebut, anda dapat belajar perkara-perkara baharu dan dapat memperbaiki diri untuk menjadi
How To Create a Successful Instagram Marketing Strategy
Instagram is a photo and video-oriented social media platform. It can be an effective marketing tactic. It enables you to build a company’s brand and promote products and services without spending money on advertising efforts. If you work in marketing or advertising, learning more about Instagram marketing and advertising can
5 Tips for Asking for a Raise
Most people feel uncomfortable just thinking about asking their boss for a raise. If your company doesn’t give raises every year and you’re not being considered for a promotion, you may have to ask for the raise you know you earn. Asking for a raise is acceptable, and most managers
Cyberbullying refers to the act of using digital communication tools to harass, intimidate, or humiliate others. It is a pervasive problem that affects people of all ages, especially the younger generation. To create a safer and more inclusive online environment, it is crucial to explore effective ways to combat cyberbullying.
6 Ways to Navigate Office Politics
No matter what your job is at work, you can’t stay out of office politics. They’re just the way things are. You might feel scared by the idea. But if you know how to deal with office politics, you can keep some of your own power. All the while learning
How to Explain Your Resume Gaps
“Can you walk me through your resume?” will be asked in some form at least once during every interview. In addition to your skills and experience, you should be able to explain how you moved from one job to the next, even if there were resume gaps. Here are 5