Memetik laporan Malay Mail, penduduk Singapura secara purata memiliki aset kewangan bersih jauh lebih tinggi berbanding rakyat Malaysia, dan juga kebanyakan negara lain di dunia. Menurut Laporan Kekayaan Global Allianz 2024, Singapura menduduki tempat keempat dunia dengan aset kewangan bersih per kapita sebanyak €171,930 (kira-kira RM800,000). Sebaliknya, Malaysia hanya berada
Kelebihan Dan Keburukan Berkawan Rapat Dengan Rakan Sekerja
Berkawan rapat dengan rakan sekerja adalah situasi yang normal di kebanyakan tempat kerja. Persahabatan ini sekaligus membawa kepada banyak kelebihan, termasuk komunikasi dan produktiviti di tempat kerja. Walau bagaimanapun, persahabatan ini juga tidak terlepas daripada keburukan, seperti gangguan kepada produktiviti di tempat kerja dan hubungan peribadi dan profesional. Dalam artikel
Ini Sebab Ketawa Secara Berlebihan & Melampau Boleh Meragut Nyawa
Ketawa merupakan salah satu cara seseorang mengekspresikan kegembiraan dan memberikan ketenangan, serta memberi kesan positif kepada orang sekeliling sekaligus membantu mengurangkan stres. Ketawa bukan hanya merangsang penyedutan udara yang lebih dalam, tetapi juga menghasilkan hembusan karbon dioksida yang lebih efektif. Peningkatan pengambilan oksigen inilah yang memberikan manfaat kepada tubuh. Ini
Ini Sebab Kenapa Coklat & Kopi Gemar Dijadikan Pilihan Untuk Mood Yang Lebih Baik
Coklat dan kopi seolah-olah saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor berikut: Coklat memiliki rasa dan tekstur lembut yang menjadi ‘comfort food’ sesetengah orang. Coklat, terutamanya coklat gelap mengandungi bahan kimia yang dipanggil theobromine dan flavonoid. Kedua-dua bahan ini bukan sahaja baik untuk kesihatan jantung malah membantu
How to Handle the Office Gossip Without Becoming the Topic
This is your humorous but useful manual for negotiating the rough seas of office gossip without starring in the next episode.
Signs Your Boss is Actually a Secret Superhero (or Villain)
Imagine if your supervisor is actually a covert superhero (or villain) masquerading as a normal manager. Which side are they on?
What Your Desk Says About You: The Secret Psychology of Office Spaces
Your desk conveys messages about who you are, from well arranged sets to artistic anarchy and we are here to interpret them.
Office Pranks: The Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping It Fun, Not Fired
Sometimes office life becomes really boring. This is where the modest office pranks comes in to lighten the atmosphere.
The 5 Types of Coworkers You’ll Meet in Every Office (And How to Deal with Them)
Whether your office is a small co-working environment or a big tower, you probably will run across some unique people.
4 Essential Tips For Graduates Before Starting Their Job Search
Graduation is a significant turning point in a person’s life, with the common goal of finding a job. Finding a job is a daunting task, with qualifications being the first priority. Other factors like skills, confidence, and communication also matter. Graduates should focus on improving these skills before starting their
How to Stand Out: Resume and Interview Tips for Job Seekers
In the very competitive employment market of today, one must stand out from the others because employers are flooded with resumes.
6 Things To Consider Before Applying For A Job
Creating a successful job application involves a combination of elements such as a winning resume, compelling cover letter, and a stunning LinkedIn profile. The effort put into each component determines the success in the job market. To achieve great results, consider applying these strategies that have helped previous applicants achieve
Ways To Respond To Your Job Offer Professionally
During a job search, accepting a job offer is a crucial decision that requires forethought. Evaluating the initial offer can help analyze the pros and cons, leading to better terms and a more fulfilling experience. So what is the best way to formally accept a job offer? 1. Express gratitude
Creating A Resume With No Experience
A resume is a crucial tool for employers to assess an applicant’s experience and suitability for a role. Even if you lack work experience, such as being a recent college graduate or an entry-level job applicant, you still qualify for the role. However, there are ways to showcase your experience
Top Emerging University Courses for Future-Proof Careers
Whether you’re a new student or considering a career change, here are top university courses that can help future-proof your career.